Friday, December 16, 2011

How To Make Successful And Lasting Changes

I was a guest at a Toastmasters club last Monday. One of the club's members Mr. Mushtaq Rehman gave a presentation titled "How To Make Successful And Lasting Changes".  I found it very useful. It motivated me more to continue my journey and helped me plan how to reach my ultimate fitness goal. I still struggle with my food habits and I really want make a lasting change. I thought about posting the steps the presenter shared on how to make the change you want. Use your answers to the following questions as a guide to help you find your way to make that change.

  1. What Is The One Change You Really Want To Make?

A goal, a dream that you want to achieve. What will you see, feel, smell, taste and hear? What will you say and what will others say? Make it SMARTSpecific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time bound. 

    2. What Is Stopping You?
Limiting decisions or beliefs such as I cannot, I am not good enough, I have no control, others are responsible for my situation. Negative emotions such as anger, sadness, fear, hurt, guilt. Negative self-talk.

   3. How Can You Change? 
Empowering decisions and beliefs such as I can, I am good enough. I am in the charge. Positive emotions such as Love, Gratitude, Hope, Pride, Inspiration, Positive self-talk)

(How the change connects to something greater? God, family, nature, country) 
(How the change connects to who I am?)
Values and Beliefs:............
(Why I want this change? What is my intention and motivation for change?)
Capabilities: ............
(How can I implement this change? What skills and abilities do I have/need to have?)
(What actions do I need to take?) 
(Where, when and with who I need to be for this change to happen?) 

       4. Who Is Your Role Model? 
(Leader, colleague, family member, sports person, expert in his field who I can learn from)

Like most people, I know that I want to make a change , but I did not know how to make a lasting change.
You can contact Mr. Mushtaq Rehman at I hope you find this post useful 

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